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Tips to improve your presentation and communication skills

Let’s face it. To get to the ultimate level, no matter what it is you do, you have to be competent and confident with your presentation and communication skills.

You might be able to get away with getting clients through online ads and sales funnels, but if you really want to be a big brand or entrepreneur, chances are you’ve got to get comfortable with being in front of crowds.

Watch the video

Long story short, communication is important. How you say something is arguably more important than what you say. 

If there was a single thing of highest importance, it would be to focus on your tonality (vocal variety). Some people can be so monotone and BORING (I’ve been guilty of this).

What NOT to do

I found a video I made for a college class… it’s pretty cringe-worthy. Watch my YouTube video or listen to the podcast to get a feel for it.

I was trying to do a deep voice, was extremely monotone, and quite frankly I’m pretty embarrassed that the video even exists. However, I’m willing to share it so that you can learn what NOT to do. 

Listen to how I currently speak when compared to that video. 

Tips to Improve Communication

I found a few top articles on Google that shared tips on how to improve communication.

An article on highlights 3 main tips:

  1. Use Your Optimal Pitch for a Healthy, Powerful Voice
  2. Make Your Voice More Expressive and Interesting
    • Use pitch inflection (raising the tone of a word or phrase in terms of the musical scale)
  3. Practice Exercises for Precise and Crisp Articulation
    • Whatever you say will sound more intelligent and elegant if your diction is good—if your speech is crisp and articulate.
    • Example: Say the word “Government” (did you pronounce the first “n”?) says that tonality is really what matters. A celebrity voice coach, Roger Love, shares the opinion that tonality controls up to 40% of whether or not a person who is listening to you will believe what you are saying. The key: don’t speak in a monotone voice. 

Listen to the podcast

Transfer Energy!

It takes more work to transfer energy through audio alone as opposed to in video or in person. To get somebody excited requires some passion behind the message.

You could have the most important or interesting topic ever, but if you present it in a way that does not engage or excite your audience, they will not retain that information. 

You probably know this for yourself. Anytime you click on a YouTube video or start a podcast that has fuzzy audio or where the speaker is super dry, you probably exit out, right? Exactly. So make sure you are not speaking in a way that would bore others to death.

Practice Makes Perfect

As always, practice makes perfect. Record yourself speaking into a microphone or even the Voice Memo app on your iPhone if you have one. Better yet, throw a camera up in front of you and record yourself speaking.

How do you look? How do you sound? We all have room for improvement, but as you do this more and more often, you’ll be able to perfect the way you communicate and present yourself to others via video, audio, or in person. 




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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Tips to improve your presentation and communication skills – EMP091

In this episode, I share a few key tips to improve your communication and presentation skills. 

Perhaps the most important thing you can do is use tonality and vocal variety in your voice. If you have a monotone voice, your message can get lost as you won’t engage or interest your audience. 

You can have the best message or information in the world, but if you fail to present it in a way that captures attention, don’t count on there being any retention. 




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One Life, No Regrets (Gary Vaynerchuck)

I want to share an extremely powerful video Gary Vaynerchuck published a few years ago with you.

As of today, it is his most viewed video. Within 3 years, it has amassed 4.8 million views.

Check out my video

Gary mentions that the biggest poison in us is regret. His vehicle for pushing hard is business, as that is his passion. He loves building businesses and competing.

Through that vehicle, he always pushes a lack of regret and how you should do everything possible.

If anybody ever did it, then you can too.” Stop complaining! Nobody is listening. The market doesn’t care about your complaints. It rewards value that people bring to the world.

Gary goes on to say that you have to make one person, and that person is YOU. It’s like when you hear the safety presentation on an airplane. They say if the oxygen masks on the plane fall down, you are supposed to put your own mask on first before you can help others.

If you aren’t happy, how will you be able to work to make others happy?

Gary admits that he’s just trying to figure it out, and has been doing it for years in front of his audience. Obviously, it’s working. They key here is to take massive action. We’re all figuring it out.

Just be sure to ask yourself if you are truly living a life of no regrets.

Key Takeaways

Remember that we only have one life. So why live one that you’ll regret? Take chances, take risks.

We are all trying to figure this thing called life out. Remember Gary’s motivating line that “if anybody ever did it, you can too.” That is 100% true and so freaking inspiring.

Daily Motivation

How you make your money is more important than how much you make.” -Gary Vaynerchuck

Actionable Steps

Do yourself a favor and just watch Gary’s video now, even if you’ve seen it before. It’s so well done.

The message really hits home and gets a fire under your butt to evaluate your life now and think about if it’s something you truly want. If not, it might be time to change something.

Watch Gary’s video here: 




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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Get inspired with this 1 hack – EMP059

There’s this really cool hack I discovered a few weeks ago that I want to share with you.

Basically, you search for entrepreneurs or leaders in your area of interest. Chances are, you already subscribe to them on their social media and YouTube channels.

You might go through some of their old or popular content and keep up as they post new stuff, but have you ever thought to sort their content from oldest to newest?


Less Dreaming, More Doing. Contact me directly or check out my blog at


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Blog Posts

Get inspired with this 1 hack

There’s this really cool hack I discovered a few weeks ago that I want to share with you.

Basically, you search for entrepreneurs or leaders in your area of interest. Chances are, you already subscribe to them on their social media and YouTube channels.

You might go through some of their old or popular content and keep up as they post new stuff, but have you ever thought to sort their content from oldest to newest?

I did this specifically with YouTube. It may be more difficult to go to the very first Facebook posts or Instagram posts (YouTube has a button where you can literally sort everything from old to new).

In any case, watch some of the original videos to realize how average and low quality they likely are. Then sort by highest popularity and get inspired and see how far they’ve come.

This is powerful because it shows that everyone starts somewhere, and that we all have potential to reach points where others are in life that we envy or look up to.

Make sure to check out my video below as well as the full podcast episode which dives into the topic some more.   

Listen to the podcast episode:


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook




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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Stop brainstorming. Stop Planning. Start Doing. – EMP058

This episode is for those who tend to have a tough time taking action… my guess is that there are many of you listening right now who like to listen to all the podcasts, read all the books, join all of the Facebook groups, but you struggle when it comes to pulling the trigger.

I want to challenge you to take massive, imperfect action. HUUUGE emphasis on the word IMPERFECT. Don’t worry about every little detail! Just get started and keep up the momentum.

Less Dreaming, More Doing. Contact me directly or check out my blog at


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Navigating politics with tact – EMP057

People come from different backgrounds, beliefs, and communication styles. We aren’t always going to agree with everything others say.

Navigating politics with tact is a great skill to develop… a lot of times, it’s not even what you say but how you say it.

Today’s episode dive’s into this topic and provides some tips for handling tough situations with caution.

Less Dreaming, More Doing. Contact me directly or check out my blog at


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

How to grow your network of like-minded individuals – EMP056

How can you grow your network of like-minded individuals?

After you’ve defined what you want to do and what your field of interest is, you’ll want to attend networking events, conferences, or Meetups in that area to meet others with similar interests.

You can also join online communities and Facebook groups to connect with these kinds of people.

Resources Mentioned in the Show: 

Network with and meet like-minded individuals

Consider hiring a freelancer to design your business cards

Less Dreaming, More Doing. Contact me directly or check out my blog at


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Instant versus delayed gratification – EMP054

In today’s world, we want everything right away. As a millennial, I’m very guilty of this. I hate waiting for things, I’m impatient, I want everything now. However, it’s important to understand that not everything is instant.

Life is not like instant ramen where everything can be ready to go in less than a minute. Some things just take time. 

Less Dreaming, More Doing. Contact me directly or check out my blog at


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook


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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Interview with Christopher Armstrong

Christopher Armstrong is originally from Houston, Texas, but now resides in California, where he works on creating and designing products.

Here’s what he does in his words from his own website:

We specialize in product design & development at the factory-level, having many long-standing relationships with some of the top domestic and international manufacturers, including contacts with material suppliers and prototyping/sampling vendors.

Links discussed in the show

Christopher Armstrong

Connect with Christopher and check out his work!

Secret Entourage

Get access to interviews of successful entrepreneurs, various courses, and more. You also join a private Facebook group of like-minded individuals across the globe. This is where I personally got started with this type of thinking.

Less Dreaming, More Doing. Contact me directly or check out my blog at


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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