Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 3 Episode 4 – The Pitch (Josh Muccio)

Today we are covering The Pitch hosted by Josh Muccio from Gimlet Media. This show covers real entrepreneurs pitching to real investors. It’s like an audio version of Shark Tank. It delivers on the high-stakes promise of a live pitch without shying away from nitty gritty details of what happens after everyone shakes hands and walks out of the room. I’ll be running through the highlights of the first episode so you can see what it’s all about. The episode is 36 minutes long, so I’ll give you the 30,000 foot version.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.


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Chris Bello

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 3 Episode 3 – StartUp Podcast (Alex Blumberg)

StartUp Podcast is a podcast about starting a podcast… in later seasons, it begins to cover stories of other startups, their struggles, and more. This is one of the first podcasts I started listening to when getting very interested in this domain.

I’ll be talking through Season 1, Episode 1 of StartUp Podcast, which is called “How Not to Pitch a Billionaire.”

A little background on Alex Blumberg, the host: he was the Producer of the radio show This American Life and co creator of a podcast called Planet Money. He decided to take what he learned and start his own podcast business, Gimlet Media.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.


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Chris Bello

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 3 Episode 2 – Side-Hustle School (with Chris Guillebeau)

Side-Hustle School posts an episode every single day. Today, April 2, is episode #457. I thought it would be cool to jot some notes down on that episode for you guys and hopefully get you to go and give the podcast a listen. I personally have listened to every episode from the beginning. There’s various lessons you can take from each side-hustle and apply to your own business or life. If you don’t have a side-hustle yet, this show may spark some ideas.

Check out the Side-Hustle School Website here. 

Subscribe to Side-Hustle School on Apple Podcasts here.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.

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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 3 Episode 1 – How I Built This (with Guy Raz)

How I Built This is by far one of my favorite podcasts I’ve stumbled on. Guy interviews various entrepreneurs and shares their stories. They aren’t just any entrepreneurs, by the way, they are pretty successful ones that started companies that most of us are familiar with. A few entrepreneurs interviewed on this show include Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, and James Dyson, founder of Dyson vacuums and other products.

In this episode, I dive into detail on one interview in particular of Richard Branson of the Virgin companies. Spoiler alert – I cover a lot of what the actual episode covers, but at a quicker pace.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.

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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Bonus Episode – 5 Productivity Hacks I Recommend

Today’s episode covers 5 of my recommended Productivity Hacks. These simple steps have improved my productivity tenfold. I’m always able to stay productive no matter where I go. For example, you should take advantage of podcasts or audiobooks to learn when you are busy doing anything from driving to handwashing dishes.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.

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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook



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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 2 Episode 10 – Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins offers several lessons to a happier life. First, associate bad habits with pain and good ones with pleasure. Second, change the words you use to transform how you feel and deal with problems. Third, make up your own rules and communicate them to become happier.

Listen to today’s episode to learn more on those life-changing lessons and get a copy of your book here. 

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.

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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 2 Episode 9 – Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t by Jim Collins

Let’s talk about Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t. Collins has a huge task in this book of identifying factors and variables that allow a small fraction of companies to make the transition from merely good to truly great.

Great suggests “better than average.” It’s defined according to several metrics such as financial performance exceeding market average. Collins and his research team identified a handful of companies that fulfilled their predetermined criteria for greatness. These were then analyzed and compared.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 2 Episode 8 – The Dip by Seth Godin

The interesting thing about The Dip is that it goes against what many people advise. You often hear that you should “never quit,” but that is not the case with this book. Seth thinks that sometimes, you should quit, and refocus on something that makes sense. I guess in a sense it’s basically like pivoting. Seth says you should quit often, so it frees up space and time to do the other things that you should stick with.

Get your copy on Amazon here today to learn whether you should quit something or stick it out.


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Chris Bello

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 2 Episode 7 – The Magic Of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big is one of the first books I listened to on Audible when I started getting into this “mindset shift.” I’ve got to credit my friend Manny Atilano for introducing me to Audible as well as this type of thinking. He had a huge collection of books and helped get me started with a few he recommended. We’d go to Starbucks to work and “get on the grind” as we would call it. Those early days would evolve from just brainstorming business ideas to now having my website, blog, podcast, book on Amazon, and a course on reselling.

Grab your copy on Amazon or take a listen on Audible.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast: Season 2 Episode 6 – Built to Sell

Built to Sell by John Warrillow teaches you how to build a business that is ready to sell. You would have never guessed, right? Whether you’re just starting a business or have a huge business that is receiving offers from potential buyers, this book is for you. Learn how to create processes and have a business that can run without you.

You can grab a copy of the book here. Be sure to also check out John’s podcast, Built to Sell Radio.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments at chrisbello.com and remember, less dreaming, more doing.


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Chris Bello

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast on Facebook

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